The Journal of Advancing Education Practice (JAEP) | | Winona State University

The Journal of Advancing Education Practice (JAEP) is an open-access journal designed to highlight the work of emerging practitioner-scholars. The journal will feature peer-reviewed articles by graduate students, practitioner-scholars, faculty, staff, administrators, and established researchers that explore problems of practice and other timely issues affecting learning and learning organizations. Typically, a paper suitable for JAEP should attempt to advance understanding about education practices and offer empirical research in support of addressing challenges in education.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Current Issue: Volume 5, Issue 2 (2024) Teaching, Learning, and Leading: The Power of Collaboration

Welcome to volume 5, issue 2 of the Journal of Advancing Education Practice (JAEP).

The fall 2024 Journal of Advancing Education Practice (JAEP) theme is Teaching, Learning, and Leading: The Power of Collaboration. JAEP welcomes original research, opinions, reflections, perspectives, action research, practical strategies, and commentary that might improve the culture of education philosophy and practice. For fall 2024, we invite submissions that explore the dynamic interplay of collaboration in education. Contributions may address, but are not limited to, the following topics: Collaborative teaching strategies, interdisciplinary learning, leadership and collaboration, community and school partnerships, technology and collaboration, professional development, and student collaboration.

Research Articles

Opinions from the Field

Reflection Papers


Flourishing in Academia: A Collaborative Writing Team Approach for Higher Education Faculty
Tamara G. Lynn, Shantel M. Farnan, Adam M. Moore, and Jessica A. Rueter

Editorial Information

Dr. Barbara Holmes
Editorial Board - Fall 2024
Dr. DeJuanna Parker, Guest Editor
Dr. Leo Brown
Dr. Kent Willis
Publishing Coordinator
Kendall Larson
ISSN 2690-4411